You have a number of rights within the GDPR with regard to your personal information. The following are those which apply to the personal data that we collect:
INFORMATION: You have the right to be informed. In this case it means you are entitled to know what happens to your personal information.
ACCESS: You have the right to know what personal information we hold about you.
RECTIFICATION: In the event that any information we have about you is incomplete or incorrect, you have the right to have it corrected or completed.
ERASURE: You have the right to have your data erased. If you request us to delete your data, we will comply and fully delete any personal information we hold about you without any undue delay.
PROCESSING: Rather than requesting us to delete your information, you have the right to ask us to restrict (cease & desist) the processing of your data.
OBJECTION: You have the right to object. This means that you can raise an objection to our processing of your personal information if you don’t think it is in your best interests. Should you raise an objection, we will immediately cease & desist processing your information.
PORTABILITY: You have the right to portability, which means in the event you make a request under the GDPR for your personal data that we hold, then we will provide it to you.
BREACH NOTIFICATION: – if in the unlikely event there occurs a breach of security which is likely to result in a high risk to your rights as a data subject, we must inform you without undue delay.
COMPLAINT: You have the right to lodge any complaint with a supervisory or regulatory authority if you so desire.